Kokko & May Comics Collection 1


Kokko & May is a delightful comic series which is specially designed for young children as well as adults. This comics collection consists of 8 stories which are about 2 main characters, Kokko and his younger sister, May. This collection make you laugh and positive thinking among the readers.

Kokko and May Comics Collection 1 includes these stories:
1. Appreaciate What you have
2. Little Wild Owl
3. Lunch Box With Love
4. Experience of Tooth Extraction
5. An Adventure in Room
6. Competition (Part 1)
7. Competition (Part 2)
8. Mum, You Have Suffered

SKU: 9789670659114 Category:


Date Added:2019/01/24
Edition:1st Print
Country Of Publication:Malaysia
Language :English
Weight 0.219 kg


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