Kokko & May Comics Collection 5


Kokko & May is a delightful comic series which is specially designed for young children as well as adults. This comics collection consists of 9 stories which are about 2 main characters, Kokko and his younger sister, May. This collection make you laugh and positive thinking among the readers.

Kokko and May Comics Collection 6 includes these stories:

1. friendship
2. teardrops in blue (Part 1)
3. teardrops in blue (Part 2)
4. i am rich
5. teenage rebel
6. the floods
7. co-operation
8. spine problems
9. bomb alert
SKU: 9789670659077 Category:
Published Date:2015/04/01
Date Added:2019/01/24
Edition:1st Print
Country Of Publication:Malaysia
Language :English
Printing Color:COLOR
Weight 0.219 kg


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